The Reward of Struggle

Recently, as I was out for a walk, I came upon this blade of grass standing tall in what appears to be insurmountable odds for survival; yet there it is reaching for the very source of its strength. Or…. Is it?

While the sun certainly provides the energy this organism needs for life, just as importantly is the nutrients from the soil… but where is the soil? Here we are reminded that what is important is not always at the surface. While the surface where I found this blade of grass is absent of the required nutrients needed, the roots have firmly placed themselves in the nutrient providing soil beneath the surface.

I considered this picture of struggle and realized it is somewhat a representation of our lives. While this world provides only an environment of struggle for our spiritual growth, it is only the surface. When we firmly root ourselves in Jesus Christ, He provides the nutrients we need to grow spiritually. Those nutrients flow through our time of prayer, time in His Word, and hearts dedicated to meditation on Him.

Let’s not spend our time looking for our strength on the surface, let’s “sink” our roots into the true source of spiritual growth and stand tall in His presence.

May your hearts and eyes see His blessings today!

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

                 1 Peter 5 : 7