The Start of a New Hobby

I’ve wanted to do this for some time. I’ve thought about it, I’ve tried to start, I’ve gotten side-tracked, but now I’m going through with it, I have written many “practice” blogs to try and learn how to do this, but I just kept writing, re-writing, writing again … rinse and repeat. So, I have decided to just start, and as with many things in life, I hope and desire, to get better as I DO this more. I hope to receive feedback, constructive criticism, and through thoughtful comments become a better writer and one who encourages others to follow me on many of these experiences. AND…. maybe you will encourage new experiences for me.

I will share many of my travels and experiences, from coffee shops to pastry shops, pasta to shawarma, and many of the books I find along the way. I will share thoughts both from my experiences and my daily devotions. I invite comments (although there may still be some tweaking I will have to do in that area of this blog) to allow discussion in a constructive and congenial manner.

My goal is to improve this site as time marches onward; but launching it now is the only way to out of the starting block for me. Just as a new day dawning at the beach is so exciting and rejuvenating, so I expect this venture will be as I develop yet another hobby to consume some of my daily retirement time.

So….. here goes!

FYI… PSA…. JSYK …. I have not “made LIVE” Social Media links as of now. I will “announce” that at a later date…

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