Who me? An influencer? They said I was….

OneTrueSentence – Conversations with others is where we begin to see our similarities often far outweigh our differences.

So, if you know me, or have deduced from the name of this blog, then you know I love to experience new foods, drinks, and books of many genres. Well recently on a trip to Boston I continued my journey with this book as my guide. On this day it led me to Madhouse Café in Boston over in an area that appears to be known as the Blue Hills area. You would find it kind of centered in an area around Roxbury/Nubian Square/Uphams Corner.

So, I took off in the direction of Madhouse café early in the afternoon looking to experience the drink they were rated highly for, a Tahini Latte, and a standout treat of Abi’s Famous Baklava. As I walked to the counter and shared the fact that this book and my taste buds had led me there, I was welcomed with a genuine kindness and appreciation by Kat, the barista. My experience was already off to a great encounter. Kat shared with the owners and others in the coffee shop the book and how I found my way there.

I was then approached by a few other patrons concerning the book and questions about myself and where I was from. This is not all that uncommon in Boston, as my accent quickly identifies me as someone passing through…. Even after I have been passing “through” Boston now about 8 or 9 times over the last 2 years. After spending some time with everyone, enjoying conversation and my drink, I had some time to reflect on my visit while finishing off my afternoon drink and snack. It reminded me how much we truly can find ourselves in a broader community if we just allow ourselves to be available to a larger community. It was truly a rewarding afternoon.

As I left, a couple patrons I had been speaking with offered a kind goodbye and commending me for being an…..  “influencer” … Who me?? An old man and them “young whippersnappers”?? I replied to them asking how was I this “influencer”? They said they had already found and ordered themselves a copy of this guide that had brought me here this day.

So, I too invite you to check out this website that can introduce you to guides for various cities (US and some International), with their associated recommendations for coffee shops, pastry shops, even guides for pizza and burger shops. I was gifted this book by my daughters for Father’s Day… that has led to the joy that can be found around drink and food… and a joy found in many communities; a joy that can continued to be shared by all of us if we will pursue it.

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