Memories – Part 1

I am going to share a few thoughts over the next few posts concerning memories.

While there are several definitions that are dependent upon the usage of the word, one that I read the other day that depicts the view I want to consider over the next few days was something like, a mental impression retained: a recollection. Let’s unpack this somewhat and apply to our time of daily scripture reading.

The first aspect of this definition I want to consider is the word, “impression”. The memory that came to mind first when thinking of impression was from a time when I played little league baseball, probably around age 12. I played 3rd base which in baseball parlay is often referred to as the hot corner.  I recall this very hard grounder that came at me very quickly, with a fair amount of velocity. Right as I positioned myself to field the ball in my glove, the ball took a hard bounce and rose above my glove and struck me full force just below my collarbone, center of my chest. I do not recall if I successfully followed through and put the runner out, but I do recall the mark it left on my chest. You could literally see each stich of that baseball in my skin…. That baseball left its impression on me!

Many life experiences leave impressions on our minds; impressions that have the whole gambit of emotions anchored solidly in place. This leads us to the 2nd aspect of the definition, recollection. With regards to memories this idea of recollection may be more familiar as recall; the ability to recall the memory over time imparts the largest value to the memory.

Scripture is full of instruction to practice the forming of memories; making sincere efforts to impress upon our minds those events and teachings that grow us in our walk with God.  This verse demonstrates in our praise to God we should remember who He is and what He has done for us. Our part? First allow Him to “impress” upon our minds what He places in our hearts, and then daily remember those things in our praise.

I look forward to sharing some of my thoughts on memories as I spend a few days searching the Word for those “impressions” I desire on my mind. Have a blessed day!

My soul, praise the Lord, and do not forget all His benefits.

Psalm 103 : 2

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