The French language does sound much more romantic when speaking of “every day”; but today is not just another, “every day”. Today, I have ventured out towards the Brookline area of Boston to the Allston community and visited my 33rd distinct coffee shop, aptly named Tous les Jours. This establishment is actually a bakery that is also recommended for its coffee. Some days, I like to change up, my every day experience.
A little research informed me that the word croissant began appearing in dictionaries and other writings around the mid-19th century and referenced butter and flour-based, crescent-shaped breads. Around 1840 or thereabouts, bakers in Paris, and followed in other areas of France, whipped up their own versions. By the 1870s, the term had spread, and can be found referenced by Charles Dickens and others in relation to French culinary delights. I have always enjoyed that “airy” texture of a croissant, but to be honest, rarely ever eat des patisseries…. However, with the number of highly recommended and rated bakeries here in Boston I may just be sampling more of these with my coffee jaunts.
The area in and around Boston is so rich with history, when you visit Boston you find yourself open to learn a bit more history. It appears that the Allston area has a long and distinguished history. For its first 160 years it formed part of Cambridge. Prior to 1807, the area was known as little Cambridge after several families crossed the Charles River and settled. It appears that a rather successful cattle market was developed, and the area even provided beef to General George Washington during the Revolutionary War. Then when a bridge was not replaced and left the area cutoff from Cambridge they won legislative approval of separation in 1807, choosing the name Brighton for the new corporate entity. Then in 1874 Brighton was absorbed into the City of Boston. The following linked article is a really good presentation of the history if you would like to read for more information.
So if you’re ever in the Boston area I would recommend a stop into Tous les Jours for the tasty patisseries and your chosen drink … and a little rest from all there is to do in Boston.